



2018年2月至2020年10月: 博士后 (Postdoctoral Research Fellow,导师 John A.Rogers 院士),生物集成电子中心,西北大学(Northwestern University),美国

2020年10月至2021年6月:研究员, 生物医学工程院, 香港城市大学,中国香港

2018年3月至2019年1月:研究助理教授 (Adjunct Research Assistant Professor),材料科学与工程院系,伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,美国

2015年9月至2017年9月:联合培养博士研究生 (导师John A. Rogers 院士),材料科学与工程院系,伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,美国










迄今在高影响力国际学术期刊以第一/通讯作者发表论文18篇,包括1篇Cell,1篇Nature Materials(高被引),1篇Nature Biomedical Engineering,3 篇美国科学院院刊PNAS,1篇Advanced Materials,1篇National Science Review,1篇ACS Nano,1篇Nano Letters,2篇Advanced Functional Materials,1篇Microsystems & Nanoengineering,2 篇Advanced Electronic Materials,1篇ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,1篇APL Materials等。入选国家级海外高层次人才计划(青年)、上海脑中心求索杰出青年计划-研究组长、上海市海外高层次人才计划等。上榜《麻省理工科技评论》2021 年度创新 35 人亚太区、2022年上海科技青年35人引领计划(榜单排序第一),获得联合国工业组织第五届全球科创奖。


1.Song, E.,#Li, J.,#Won, S. M.,#Bai, W.,# Rogers, J. A.*(2020) Materials for Flexible Bioelectronic Systems as Chronic Neural Interfaces. Nature Materials, vol. 19, pp. 590-603.

2.Won, S. M.,#Song, E.,#Reeder, J.,# Rogers, J. A.* (2020) “Emerging Modalities and Implantable Technologies for Neuromodulation.” Cell, vol. 181, pp. 115-135 (共同一作).

3.Song, E.,#Xie, Z. #Bai, W.,#Luan, H.,# Ji, B., Ning, X., Xia, Y., Baek J. M., Lee, Y., Avila R., Chen, H.-Y., Kim, J.-H., Madhvapathy S., Yao, K., Li, D., Zhou, J.,Han, M., Won, S. M., Zhang, X, Myers, D., Mei, Y., Guo, X., Xu, S., Chang, J.-K.,* Yu, X.,* Huang, Y.,* Rogers, J. A.* (2021) Miniaturized electromechanical devices for the characterization of the biomechanics of deep tissue. Nature Biomedical Engineering, vol. 5, pp. 759–771.

4.Song, E.,Chiang, C.-H., Li, R., Jin, X., Zhao, J., Hill, M., Xia, Y., Li, L., Huang, Y., Won, S.M., Yu, K.J., Sheng, X., Fang, H., Alam, M.A., Huang, Y., Viventi, J., Chang, J.-K.,* Rogers, J. A.* (2019) Flexible electronic/optoelectronic microsystems with scalable designs for chronic bio-integration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(PNAS), vol. 116, pp. 15398-15406.

5.Li, J.,#Song, E.,# Chiang, C.-H., Yu, K. J., Koo, J., Du, H., Zhong, Y., Hill, M., Wang, C., Zhang, J., Chen, Y., Tian, L., Zhong, Y., Fang, G., Viventi, J., Rogers, J. A.* (2018) Conductively coupled flexible silicon electronic systems for chronic neural electrophysiology. PNAS, vol. 115, pp. E9542-E9549 (共同一作,期刊封面).

6.Fang, H.,# Zhao, J.,#Yu, K. J.,#Song, E.,# Farimanic, A. B., Chiang, C.-H., Jin, X., Xue, Y., Xu, D., Du, W., Seo, K.J., Y. Zhong, Yang,Z., Won, S. M., Fang, G., Choi, S.W., Chaudhuri, S., Huang, Y., Alam, M.A., Viventi, J., Aluru, N.R., Rogers, J. A.* (2016) Ultra-thin, transferred layers of thermally grown silicon dioxide as biofluid barriers for bio-integrated flexible electronic systems.PNAS, vol.113,pp. 11682-11687 (共同一作).

7.Won, S. M.,#Song E.,# Zhao, J., Li, J., Rivnay, J., Rogers, J. A.* (2018) Recent advances in materials, devices, and systems for neural interfaces. Advanced Materials, vol. 30, p. 1800534 (共同一作).

8.Song, E.,#Li, R.,# Jin, X., Du, H., Huang, Y., Zhang, J., Xia, Y., Fang, H., Lee, Y. K., Yu, K.J., Chang, J.-K., Mei, Y., Alam, M.A., Huang, Y., Rogers, J. A.* (2018) Ultrathin trilayer assemblies as long-lived barriers against water and ion penetration in flexible bioelectronic systems. ACS Nano, vol. 12, pp. 10317-10326.

9.Song, E.,#Lee, Y. K.,#Li, R.,#Li, J.,# Jin, X., Yu, K. J., Xie, Z., Fang, H., Zhong, Y., Du, H., Zhang, J., Fang, G., Kim, Y., Yoon, Y., Alam, M. A., Mei, Y., Huang, Y., Rogers, J. A.*(2018) Transferred, ultra-thin oxide bilayers as biofluid barriers for flexible electronic implants. Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 28, p. 1702284.

10.Li, G.,#Song, E.,# Huang, G., Guo, Q., Ma, F., Zhou, B., Mei, Y.*(2018) High temperature triggered thermal degradable electronics based on flexible silicon nanomembranes.Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 28, p. 1801448 共同一作,期刊封面.

11.Song, E.,#Guo, Z.,# Li, G., Liao, F., Li, G., Du, H., Schmidt, O. G., Kim, M., Yi, Y., Bao, W.*, Mei, Y.* (2019) Thickness-dependent electronic transport in ultrathin single crystalline silicon nanomembranes. Advanced Electronic Materials, vol. 5, p. 1900232.

12.Song, E.,#Fang, H.,# Jin, X., Zhao, J., Jiang, C., Yu, K. J., Zhong, Y., Xu, D., Li, J., Fang, G., Du, H., Zhang, J., Park, J. M., Huang, Y., Alam, M. A., Mei, Y., Rogers, J. A.* (2017) Thin, transferred layers of silicon dioxide and silicon nitride as water and ion barriers for implantable flexible electronic systems. Advanced Electronic Materials, vol. 3, p. 1700077.

13.Song, E., Guo, Q., Huang, G., Jia, B., Mei, Y.* (2017) Bendable photodetector on fibers wrapped with flexible ultra-thin single crystalline silicon nanomembranes.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 9, pp. 12171-12175.

14.Song, E.,#Li, J.,# Rogers, J. A.*(2019): Barrier materials for fexible bioelectronic implants with chronic stability-current approaches and future directions.APL Materials, vol. 7, p. 050902 (主编推荐,Editor’s Pick.

15.Song, E., Si, W., Cao, R., Feng, P., Mönch, I., Huang, G.,* Di, Z., Schmidt, O. G., Mei, Y.* (2014) Schottky contact on ultra-thin silicon nanomembranes under light illumination.Nanotechnology, vol. 25, p. 485201.

16.Wu, M.,# Yao, K.,# Li, D., Huang, X., Liu, Y., Wang, L., Song, E.,*Yu, J.,*Yu, X.* (2021) Self-powered skin electronics for energy harvesting and healthcare monitoring.Materials Today Energy, vol. 21, p. 100786(通讯作者).

17.Chang, J.-K.,#Fang, H.,# Bower, C., Song, E., Yu, X., Rogers, J. A.* (2017): Materials and processing approaches for foundry-compatible transient electronics. PNAS, vol. 114, pp. E5522–E5529.

18.Fang, H.,# Yu, K.J.,# Gloschat, C.,# Yang, Z., Song, E., Chiang, C.-H., Zhao, J., Won, S. M., Xu, S., Trumpis, M., Zhong, Y., Han, S. W., Xue, Y., Xu, D., Choi, S.W., Cauwenberghs, G., Kay, M., Huang, Y., Viventi, J., Efimov, I. R.,* Rogers, J. A.* (2017) Capacitively coupled arrays of multiplexed flexible silicon transistors for long-term cardiac electrophysiology. Nature Biomedical Engineering, vol.1, p. 0038.

19.Li, G.,#Ma, Z.,#You, C.,# Huang, G., Song, E., Pan, R., Zhu, H., Xin, J., Xu, B., Lee, T. Y., An, Z., Mei, Y.* (2020) Silicon Nanomembrane Phototransistors Flipped with Multifunctional Sensors towards Smart Digital Dust. Science Advances, vol. 6, eaaz65112020.

20.Han, M.,# Chen, L.,# Aras, K.,# Liang, C., Chen, X., Zhao, H., Li, K., Faye, N.R., Sun, B., Kim, J.-H., Bai, W., Yang, Q., Ma, Y., Lu, W., Song, E., Baek, J.M., Lee, Y., Liu, C., Model, J.B., Yang, G., Ghaffari, R., Huang, Y.*, Efimov, I. R.*, Rogers, J. A.* (2020) Catheter-integrated Soft Multilayer Electronic Arrays for Multiplexed Sensing and Actuation During Cardiac Surgery, Nature Biomedical Engineering vol. 4, pp. 997-1009.

21.Lee, Y. K.,# Yu, K. J.,#Song, E., Farimani, A. B., Vitale, F., Xie, Z., Yoon, Y., Kim, Y., Richardson, A., Luan, H., Wu, Y., Xie, X., Lucas, T. H., Crawford, K., Mei, Y., Feng, X., Huang, Y., Litt, B., Aluru, N.R., Yin, L.,* Rogers, J. A.* (2017): Dissolution of monocrystalline silicon nanomembranes and their use as encapsulation layers and electrical interfaces in water-soluble electronics. ACS Nano, vol. 11, pp. 12562-12572.

22.Li, G.,Song,E., Huang, G., Pan, R., Guo, Q., Ma, F., Zhou, B., Di, Z., Mei, Y.*(2018): Flexible transient phototransistors by use of wafer-compatible transferred silicon nanomembranes. Small,vol. 14, p. 1802985.

23.Phan, H.-P.,*Zhong, Y., Nguyen, T.-K., Park, Y., Dinh, T., Song, E., Vadivelu, R. K., Masud, M. K., Li, J., Shiddiky, M. J.A., Dao, D., Yamauchi, Y., Rogers, J. A.,*Nguyen, N.-T.* (2019): Long-lived, transferred crystalline silicon carbide nanomembranes for implantable flexible electronics. ACS Nano, vol. 13, pp. 11572-11581.

24.Li, J., Li, R., Chiang, C.-H., Zhong, Y., Shen, H., Song, E., Hill, M., Won, S. M., Yu, K. J., Baek, J. M., Lee, Y., Viventi, J., Huang, Y., Rogers, J. A.*(2020): Ultrathin, high capacitance capping layers for silicon electronics with conductive interconnects in flexible, long-lived bioimplants. Advanced Materials Technologies, vol. 5, p. 1900800.

25.Bai, W., Irie, M., Liu, Z., Luan, H., Franklin, D., Nandoliya, K., Guo, H., Zang, H., Weng, Y., Lu, D., Wu, D., Wu, Y., Song, J., Han, M., Song, E., Yang, Y., Chen, X., Zhao, H., Lu, W., Monti, G., Stepien, I., Kandela, I., Haney, C.R., Wu, C., Won, S.M., Ryu, H., Rwei, A., Shen, H., Kim, J., Yoon, H.-J., Ouyang, W., Liu, Y., Suen, E., Chen, H.-Y., Okina, J., Liang, J., Huang, Y., Ameer, G.A., Zhou, W., Rogers, J. A.* (2021) Bioresorbable Multilayer Photonic Cavities as Temporary Implants for Tether-Free Measurements of Regional Tissue Temperatures. BME Frontiers, p. 8653218.

26.Li, G., Guo, Q., Song, E., Huang, G., Mei, Y.*(2019): (Invited) Silicon Nanomembrane-Based Flexible Photodetector and Sensors.ECS Meeting Abstracts, vol. 28, p.1368 (website: http://ma.ecsdl.org/content/MA2019-01/28/1368.abstract).

27.Pan, R.,# Guo, Q.,#* Li, G., Song, E., Huang, G., An, Z., Di, Z., Mei, Y.*(2018): Schottky barrier modulation in surface nano-roughened silicon nanomembranes for high-performance optoelectronics. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol.10, pp. 41497-41503.

28.Li, G., Song, E., Guo, Q., Huang, G., Mei Y.*(2018): Transfer techniques for single-crystal silicon/germanium nanomembranes and their application in flexible electronics.SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis, vol.48, pp. 670-687.

29.Jin, X.,Song,E., Rogers, J.A., Alam, M.A.* (2018) Principles of multi-layer encapsulant design for wearable and implantable systems. Conference Poster: MRS Fall Meeting(最佳海报提名奖).

30.Lee, Y. K.,# Yu, K. J.,# Kim, Y., Yoon, Y., Xie, Z., Song, E., Luan, H., Feng, X., Huang, Y., Rogers, J. A.*(2017): Kinetics and chemistry of hydrolysis of ultrathin, thermally grown layers of silicon oxide as biofluid barriers in flexible electronic systems. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol. 9, pp. 42633-42638.

31.Jin, X., Jiang, C., Song, E., Fang, H., Rogers, J. A., Alam, M. A.*(2017): Stability of MOSFET-based electronic components in wearable and implantable systems. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 64, pp. 3443-3451.

32.Wang J., Song, E., Yang,C., Zheng, L., Mei, Y.*(2017): Fabrication and whispering gallery resonance of self-rolled up gallium nitride microcavities. Thin Solid Films,vol. 627, pp. 77-81.

33.Lee, Y. K., Yu, K. J., Kim, Y., Yoon, Y., Xie, Z., Song, E., Luan, H., Feng, X., Huang, Y., Rogers, J. A.*(2017) Dissolution kinetics of ultrathin thermally grown silicon oxide: PH, Ions, silicic acid dependence. Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum 2017-Core Programming Area of 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting.https://yonsei.pure.elsevier.com/en/publications/dissolution-kinetics-of-ultrathin-thermally-grown-silicon-oxide-p


Rogers, J. A., Fang, H., Zhao, J., Song, E., Lee, Y. K.: Encapsulated flexible electronics for long-term implantation序列号20200022601,申请号:16/162,613,发表日期:January 23, 2020,美国政府已授权。






5.Principles of Multi-Layer Encapsulant Design for Wearable and Implantable Systems获最佳Poster奖提名奖(排序第二),MaterialsResearchSociety,美国,2018;

6.“High-Temperature Triggered Transient Form of Flexible Silicon Nanomembrane Electronics”获最佳海报奖(排序第二), InternationalConferenceonFlexible Electronics (ICFE2018),中国,2018.