
  研究员 博士生导师




  2010年获得北京大学理学博士学位,随后赴日本国立物质材料研究所(NIMS)进行博士后研究。2012年加入NIMS若手科学研究中心任ICYS研究员。2014年获得NIMS永久职位,先后任独立研究者,主干研究员。2024年作为引进人才到复旦大学光电研究院工作。曾获得日本文部科学省文部科学大臣表彰若手科学者奖仓田奖励奖、the James.W. Corbett Prize, 两次获得日本科学技术振兴机构(JST)青年科学家PRESTO项目奖励。先后主持日本科学技术振兴机构(JST)和日本学术振兴会(JSPS)等项目五项,参与JSTJSPS和日本文部科学省等项目十余项。









发表学术论文130余篇,总被引次数4000余次,h因子32,是Nature子刊Communication Engineering的签约编辑, 应邀担任Materials Today Electronics, Applied Science等杂志编委。

1.    Liwen Sang*, Well-matched vibrations cool electronic hotspots, Nature, 627, 743-744 (2024)

2.  Sushmitha Veeralingam, Liwen Sang*, Hong Pang, Renzhi Ma, Sushmee Badhulika. High Responsivity of Zero-Power-Consumption Ultraviolet Photodetector Using 2D-MoS2/i-GaN Vertical Heterojunction. ACS Photonics. 10 [12] 4408-4416 (2023)

3.   Liwen Sang*, Masatomo Sumiya, Meiyong Liao, Yasuo Koide, Xuelin Yang, and Bo Shen, Polarization-induced hole doping for long-wavelength In-rich InGaN solar cells, Applied Physics Letters 119, 202103(2021)

4.   L. Sang, H. Sun, X. Yang, T. Li, B. Shen and M. Liao, Self-Temperature-Compensated GaN MEMS Resonators through Strain Engineering up to 600 K, 2020 the 66th IEEE International Electron Device Meeting, IEDM 2020

5.    Meiyong Liao*, Liwen Sang*, Takehiro Shimaoka, Masataka Imura, Satoshi Koizumi, and Yasuo Koide, Energy-Efficient Metal-Insulator-Metal-Semiconductor Field effect transistors based on 2D carrier Gases, Advanced Electronic Materials, 34,1800832 (2019)

6.   Liwen Sang, Meiyong Liao, Qifeng Liang, Masaki Takeguchi, Benjamin Dierre, Takashi Sekiguchi, Yasuo Koide, Masatomo Sumiya, and Bo Shen, Multilevel intermediate-band solar cell by InGaN/GaN quantum dots with a strain-modulated structure, Advanced Materials, 26, 1414-1420(2014)

7.  Tao Ji, Qian Liu, Rujia Zou, Yangang Sun, Kaibing Xu, Liwen Sang*, Meiyong Liao*, Yasuo Koide, Li Yu, Junqing Hu*, An Interface Engineered Multicolor Photodetector Based on n-Si (111)/TiO2 Nanorod Array Heterojunction, Advanced Functional Materials, 26, 9, 1400-1410 (2016)

8.   Liwen Sang*, Bing Ren, Raimu Endo, Takuya Masuda, Hideyuki Yasufuku, Meiyong Liao, Toshihide Nabatame, Masatomo Sumiya, and Yasuo Koide, Boosting the doping efficiency of Mg in p-GaN grown on the free-standing GaN substrate, Applied Physics Letter, 115, 172103 (2019)

9.   Bing Ren, Meiyong Liao, Masatomo Sumiya, Yasuo Koide, and Liwen Sang*, Nearly Ideal Vertical-type GaN Schottky Barrier Diodes with Ultra-Low Turn-on Voltage and On-Resistance, Applied Physics Express, 10, 051001, (2017)

10.  Kexiong Zhang, Meiyong Liao, Masatomo Sumiya, Yasuo Koide, and Liwen Sang*, Investigation on the interfacial chemical state and band alignment for the sputtering-deposited CaF2/p-GaN heterojunction by angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Journal of Applied Physics, 120, 185305 (2016)

11.  Liwen Sang,* Bing Ren, Masatomo Sumiya, Meiyong Liao, Yasuo Koide, Atsushi Tanaka, Yujin Cho, Yoshitomo Harada, Toshihide Nabatame, Takashi Sekiguchi, Shigeyoshi Usami, Yoshio Honda, and Hiroshi Amano, Initial leakage current paths in the vertical-type GaN-on-GaN Schottky barrier diodes, Applied Physics Letters, 111, 122102 (2017)

12.  Rujia Zou, Zhenyu Zhang, Qian Liu, Junqing Hu*, Liwen Sang*, Meiyong Liao* and W. Zhang, ‘High Detectivity Solar-Blind High-Temperature Deep-Ultraviolet Photodetector Based on Multi-Layered (l00) Facet-Oriented β-Ga2O3 nanobelts’, Small, 10, 1848-1856, (2014)