

Email: gqli@fudan.edu.cn 


  在中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所获得博士学位,担任研究员、博士生导师。之后在美国加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校、亚利桑那大学光科学学院等机构从事研究,担任俄亥俄州立大学讲席教授(Endowed Chair)等教职。被遴选为美国光学学会 (Optica)和国际光学工程学会(SPIE)会士(Fellow)。

  曾获大恒光学奖学金、宝钢优秀学生奖学金、中国科学院院长特别奖学金,香港求是科技基金会杰出青年学者奖(1997-2001)、中国科学院青年科学家奖(1997)、上海市优秀青年科技启明星(1998)、美国Wallace H.Coulter基金会青年学者奖(Career Award, 2009)等荣誉。在智能视光学器件与眼底疾病诊断系统、高速高分辨率光学成像、自适应光学、全息与光学并行计算等方向产生了较广泛的国际影响。在美国期间,其研究工作一直得到美国国立健康研究院(NIH)和国防部(公开项目)资助。在Nature, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Laser & Photonics Review, Progress in Optics, Optics Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Advanced Materials等期刊和重要会议发表论文250余篇,在重要国际光学会议和学术机构做95次邀请报告,撰写书籍4个章节。已获得发明专利10余项。曾担任Optica组织的国际会议主席、分会主席,任Optica光学设计、加工与仪器分部主席(2012-2014),担任有关联邦政府基金项目评审人。现任 Scientific Reports期刊编辑。


高性能自适应智能光学感知器件与系统及其应用,包括但不限于:集成光电器件与系统;钙钛矿光电探测器与人工视网膜;自适应光学成像系统(基于自适应光学和新型光学设计的高速高分辨率共焦、偏振、光学相干层析(OCT)、双光子、光声成像及其在人眼结构和功能分析中的应用); 液晶材料与主动光学元件(变焦透镜、透过率连续可调电光元件、其它功能元件、超表面元件、全息元件等);视觉与其它医学应用;智能化视光学微系统集成; 光学生物医学传感器、光化学传感器、光机械传感器;人工智能在光学元件研制、光学成像与传感中的应用。




招收光学与光学工程、光电与电光材料和器件、光学成像系统、生物医学工程、眼科与视觉科学等领域博士后,详情请见光电研究院网页 https://ioe.fudan.edu.cn/55/db/c25101a480731/page.htm



1. W. Shen, G. Li, Recent progress in liquid crystal-based smart windows: materials, structures, and designs, Laser & Photonics Reviews 17, 2200207 (2023).https://doi.org/10.1002/lpor.202200207

2. D. Wang, G. Li, Advances in photoelectric detection units for imaging based on perovskite materials, Laser & Photonics Reviews 16, No. 7, 2100713 (2022).https://doi.org/10.1002/lpro.202100713

3. A. Choudhary, T. F. George, G. Li, Conjugation of nanomaterials and nematic liquid crystals for futuristic biosensor applications, Biosensors 8, 69 (2018). doi:10.3390/bios8030069

4. Z. Zheng, C. Yuan, W. Hu, H. K. Bisoyi, M. Tang, Z. Liu, P. Sun, W. Yang, X. Wang, D. Shen, Y. Li, F. Ye, Y. Lu, G. Li, and Q. Li, Light-patterned crystallographic direction of a self-organized three-dimensional soft photonic crystal, Advanced Materials 29, 1703165 (2017).

5. G. Lan and G. Li, Design of a k-space spectrometer for ultra-broad waveband spectral domain optical coherence tomography, Scientific Reports 7, 42353; doi: 10.1038/srep42353 (2017).

6. P. Nayek and G. Li, Superior electro-optic response in multiferroic bismuth ferrite nanoparticle doped nematic liquid crystal mixture, Scientific Reports 5, 10845 (2015).

7. G. Lan and G. Li, Design of high-performance adaptive objective lens with large optical depth scanning range for ultrabroad near infrared microscopic imaging, Biomedical Optics Express 6, 3362-3377 (2015).

8. T. Zhao and G. Li, Optimization for wavefront coded infinity microscope systems to extend depth of field, Biomedical Optics Express 4, 1464-1471 (2013).

9. R. Chen and G. Li, The evanescent wavefield part of a cylindrical vector beam, Optics Express 21, 22246-22254 (2013).

10. G. Li, Adaptive lens, Progress in Optics 55, 199-283 (2010).

11. G. Li, P. Wang, Efficient local fixing of photorefractive polymer hologram using a laser beam, Applied Physics Letters 96, 111109 (2010).

12. S. Tay, et al, An updatable 3D holographic display, Nature 451, 694-698 (2008).

13. G. Li, D. L. Mathine, P. Valley, P. Äyräs, J. Haddock, M. S. Giridhar, J. Schwiegerling, G. Meredith, B. Kippelen, S. Honkanen, and N. Peyghambarian, Switchable electro-optic diffractive lens with high efficiency for ophthalmic applications, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 103, 6100-6104 (2006).

14. G. Li, D. Huang, E. Yuceturk, P. Marchand, S. C. Esener, V. Ozguz, and Y. Liu, Three-dimensional optoelectronic stacked processor (3DOESP) by use of free-space optical interconnection and 3D VLSI chip stacks, Applied Optics 41, 348-360 (2002).

15. G. Li, P.-C. Sun, P. Lin, Y. Fainman, Interference microscope for 3D imaging with a wavelength-to-depth encoding, Optics Letters 25, 1505-1507 (2000).

16. G. Li, F. Qian, H. Ruan, L. Liu, Compact parallel optical modified-signed-digit arithmetic-logic array processor with electron-trapping device, Applied Optics 38, 5039-5045 (1999).

17. G.Li, L.Liu, B.Liu, and Z.Xu, High-efficiency volume hologram recording with a pulsed signal beam, Optics Letters 23, 1307-1309 (1998).

18. J. Hua, L. Liu, G. Li, Extended fractional Fourier transforms,Journal of the Optical Society of America A 14, 3316-3322 (1997).

19. G.Li, L.Liu, L.Shao, Y.Yin, and J.Hua, Parallel optical negabinary arithmetic based on logic operations, Applied Optics 36, 1011-1016 (1997).

20. G.Li, L.Liu, L.Shao and Z.Wang, Negabinary arithmetic algorithms for digital parallel optical computation, Optics Letters 19, 1337-39 (1994). 


1. S. K. Manna, T. F. George, G. Li, Electrically-Driven Self-Organized Chiral Liquid Crystalline Nanostructures - Organic Photonic Crystal with Tunable Reflection, in Functional Organic and Hybrid Nanostructured Materials: Fabrication, Properties, and Applications, Quan Li Ed., Wiley-VCH, 978-3-527-34254-9 , Ch. 9, pp.359-381 (2018).

2. A. Choudhary, T. F. George, G. Li, Surface plasmon-induced variation in the properties of nanoparticle-doped nematic liquid crystals, inSurface Plasmon Resonance (SPR): Advances in Research and Applications (Editor:Douglas Howell), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ISBN:978-1-53611-857-5, Ch. 2, pp.51-86 (2017).

3. G. Li, S. Esener, Parallel free-space optical interconnection, in Optical Multimedia /Networks and Optical Computing in Multimedia System, Mohsen Guizani Ed., Marcel Dekker Inc., pp.301-376 (2002).

4. G. Li, M. S. Alam, Computing with optics, in An Introduction to Information Optics, F. T. S. Yu, S. Jutamulia, and S. Yin, Eds., Academic Press, pp.475-569 (2001). 


1. US Patent 11221508 B2, Adaptive harmonic diffractive liquid crystal lens and method of making and use thereof.

2. US 8,587,734 B2,WO/2010/102295A1 Adaptive lens for vision correction.

3. US 2006/0164593 A1, WO/2006/078806A2, WO/2006/078806A3,JP2013047823 Adaptive electro-optic lens with variable focal length.

4. US Application No.: 16/265,983, Pub. No.: US2020/0249501, Wavefront engineered lenses for correction of presbyopia and astigmatism and nanoparticle-doped liquid crystal structures for continuously tunable phase modulation and adaptive lens.

5. 中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 202011153057.7,基于偏振复用的实时三维荧光差分超分辨成像方法和装置。

6. 中国发明专利,专利号:202111147279.2,一种利用液晶传感器实现气体特异性定量检测的方法。

7. 中国发明专利,专利号:202210183213.7,一种用液晶传感器实现一步法核酸检测的方法。

8. 中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 2022 1 0436656.2,实现宽色域反射颜色调制的液晶超表面器件及制备方法。

9. 中国发明专利,申请号:202310183668.3,一种偏振调制的超表面双向颜色滤波器件。
