


邮箱: mkhan@fudan.edu.cn



2018年获西北工业大学博士学位,2018-2022年在美国德雷塞尔大学 DrexelYury Gogotsi 教授课题组开展博士后研究工作,2022年入职复旦大学光电研究院。主要研究方向为二维过渡族金属碳氮化物的合成及电磁功能应用,迄今已发表学术论文50余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在 Nat. Nanotechnol.J. Am. Chem. Soc.Adv. Mater.Mater. Today 等期刊发表论文19篇,引用8200余次,授权发明专利6项,美国发明专利2项。相关成果被 IEEEACM AAASMaterials TodayPhys. Org 等科技媒体和期刊报道。担任2D Materials 客座编辑,2020-2023连续四年入选斯坦福全球 TOP 2% 科学家,入选国家海外高层次人才计划、上海市浦江人才计划和复旦大学新工科人才计划。



1. 二维过渡族金属碳氮化物MXene

2. 电磁防护材料与器件

3. 红外辐射材料与应用

4. 无线通信、光电功能器件




SCI期刊 2D Materials , 客座编辑

特刊Interactions of MXenes with Electromagnetic Waves: from RF to UVhttps://iopscience.iop.org/journal/2053-1583/special/2053-1583_mxenes-electromagnetic-waves



1. 国家海外高层次人才计划(青年)(2023

2. 复旦大学新工科人才基金(2023

3. 上海市浦江人才计划(2022




1.  Han M, Zhang D, Shuck CE, McBride B, Zhang T, Wang R, Shevchuk K, Gogotsi Y, Electrochemically modulated interaction of MXenes with microwaves. Nature Nanotechnology, 2023, 18, 373-379.

IEEE SpectrumCommunication of the ACMNano TodayAAASJouleElectronic DesigneeNews EuropeThe EngineerPhy.orgScience Daily等期刊和媒体报道

IEEE Spectrum: https://spectrum.ieee.org/mxene

Communication of the ACMMXenes Shield EMI, Morehttps://cacm.acm.org/news/270246-mxenes-shield-emi-more/fulltext

Nano Today: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nantod.2023.101811

2.  Han M, Zhang D, Singh A, Hryhorchuk T, Shuck CE, Zhang T, Bi L, McBride B, Shenoy VB, Gogotsi Y, Versatility of infrared properties of MXenes. Materials Today, 2023, 64, 31-39.

 ASM International: https://www.asminternational.org/mxene-spray-coating-can-harness-infrared-radiation-for-heating-or-cooling/

Materials Today: https://www.materialstoday.com/energy/news/mxenes-promise-versatile-thermal-management/

Assignment Point: https://assignmentpoint.com/infrared-radiation-can-be-used-via-mxene-spray-coating-for-heating-or-cooling/

3. Han M, Gogotsi Y, Perspectives for electromagnetic radiation protection with MXenes, Carbon, 2023, 204, 17-25.

4. Han M, Shuck CE, SinghA, YangY, FoucherAC, Goad A, McBride B, May SJ, Shenoy VB, Stach EA, Gogotsi Y, Efficient Microwave Absorption with Vn+1CnTx MXenes, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2022, 3, 101073 (Editor’s Choice; HOT paper)

媒体报道(AAAS): https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/968342

5. Han M, Liu Y, Rakhmanov R, Israel C, Tajin MA, Friedman G, Volman V, Hoorfar A, Dandekar KR, Gogotsi Y. Solution‐Processed Ti3C2Tx MXene Antennas for Radio‐Frequency Communication. Advanced Materials, 2021, 33, 2003225.

媒体报道(Phys.org): https://phys.org/news/2020-11-ultrathin-spray-applied-mxene-antennas-ready.html

6.  Han M, Maleski K, Shuck CE, Yang Y, Glazar JT, Foucher AC, Hantanasirisakul K, Sarycheva A, Frey NC, May SJ, Shenoy VB, Stach EA, Gogotsi Y. Tailoring Electronic and Optical Properties of MXenes through Forming Solid Solutions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142(45), 19110-19118.

7. Han M, Shuck CE, Rakhmanov R, Parchment D, Anasori B, Koo CM, Friedman G, Gogotsi Y. Beyond Ti3C2Tx: MXenes for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 5008-5016.

8. Wang L#, Han M#, Shuck CE, Wang X, Gogotsi Y. Adjustable Electrochemical Properties of Solid-Solution MXenes. Nano Energy 2021, 88, 106308.

9.  Han M, Yin X, Hantanasirisakul K, Li X, Iqbal A, Hatter CB, Anasori B, Koo CM, Torita T, Soda Y, Zhang L, Cheng L and Gogotsi Y. Anisotropic MXene Aerogels with a Mechanically Tunable Ratio of Electromagnetic Wave Reflection to Absorption. Advanced Optical Materials, 2019, 7, 1900267.

Most impactful paper (1/2 research articles in 2019), highlighted in the Editorial “Happy 10th anniversary, Advanced Optical Materials!” https://doi.org/10.1002/adom.202202875